5 Things You MUST Do Every Morning

A while back Greg Greenway published a list of the five things you really should, well, he said “must”, do first thing in the morning. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea. Not saying I do any of them yet it is an interesting concept and maybe I will start. I know my girlfriend would like that as she is a breakfast lover and I don’t like to eat before noon.

So here you go…

5 Things You MUST Do Every Morning…

by Greg C. Greenway

Morning time should be your new best friend.

Love it or hate it, the morning can set you up fantastically for the rest of
the day if you know exactly how to use it to your advantage.

So here are five little things to do each morning that can give you massive
wins all day.

1. Exercise

You need to take care of yourself and most people that work out, work
out in the morning. There’s really no excuse. Even if it’s just 20 push-ups,
a few sit-ups or a jog around the block. Get your cardio and heart rate up
it will speed up your metabolism and actually give you more energy.

2. Map Out Your Day

The morning is usually the only quiet time you’ll get so this is a perfect
time for this. I like to get a cup of tea (yeah so british), and write down my
goals and to-do list in the morning with a little music on. If you do this
consistently, you’ll always be moving in the direction of your goals and
you’ll get there faster.

3. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

I mess this one up sometimes as well, but get some healthy food down
you when you first get up. Your body needs fuel and the morning is the
best time to do it.

(Interjection- Tim Ferriss talks here about having 30g of protein in the first 30 minutes of your day. Something to think about eh? – Troy)

4. Visualisation

My morning ritual consists of looking in the mirror, telling myself how
great my day is going to be and how I’m going to feel amazing after I
accomplish everything I want. What’s your story? What dreams do you
want? Tell them to yourself in the morning, imagine them in your minds
eye and will them into existence.

5. Worst Tasks First

We all have something that we have to do, but we put it off because we
dread it. DO THIS FIRST. Get your least desirable tasks out of the way
as early as possible, so it doesn’t use up your mental capacity later in
the day and weigh you down.

So there you have it. Five simple rituals you can start putting into practice
straight away to see an immediate improvement in how much impact
you have on your day.


Reprinted without the kind permission of Greg C. Greenway. In fact I did not even ask him. But Greg is a really cool cat and I am sure he would be ok with it. In fact why not check out more of his stuff here. Greg teaches how to network effectively and to improve your social circles.

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