Interesting stuff people buy on Amazon Part 6

Amazon box

I don’t know why yet I get a lot of interest when I post a short list of things people buy on Amazon using the links I provide or using the link in the banner on the right side bar. People send me messages on my Twitter page saying they Continue Reading →

Is American Red Cross racist?

american red cross racism racist

I think this world has finally lost it. Sometimes I just cannot believe the things that I see or read. Today it was brought to my attention that somebody called the American Red Cross out regarding a poster that they had printed up and distributed which was talking about pool Continue Reading →

Why I am quitting Facebook…sort of.

one does not simply quit facebook quitting facebook

I spend a good bit of time on Facebook scrolling through the news feed seeing what my ‘friends’ are up to. Recently I lightened up my ‘friends’ list by about 50% and this allowed me to scroll through the news feed and see more of what people I actually know Continue Reading →