Hugs are free…

Another post that was lost in the file overwrite fiasco but I like it so am posting it again. It was originally posted in The Angry Sheep and in it I describe a near accident the day after my birthday and how I almost got caught up in it along with some words that should not have been left unsaid.


Yesterday I was witness to what was very nearly a sure fatal car crash. Because of a couple small delays and choices I could have very easily been caught up in it. The short version- I was preparing to turn right out of a driveway onto a major street. As I learned in elementary school I looked left, right and left again. I noticed my left was clear. When I looked right there was only a white work truck heading toward me in the opposite direction I was intending to go. I looked left and it was still clear but out of the corner of my right eye I saw the truck about to pass in front of me. My brain quickly calculated he had traveled a good bit of distance very quickly. It then registered he was doing a good 60-70 miles per hour…on the wrong side of the street! I then calculated he had less than 300 feet to a major intersection and there was no way he was going to be able to stop. He didn’t. He blew straight through it. On the opposite side of the intersection where two cars waiting to go. Thankfully there was an empty lane between them and this maniac attempted to drive right between them. I say “attempted” because me did make it but not before clipping one of the car’s mirrors sending an explosion of debris a good dozen feet into the air.

Imagine if he would have hit one of those cars head on. Or if he would have hit another car passing through the intersection. Or if I would not have been delayed in the parking lot by the text message I needed to send out. I very easily could have been on that street heading straight toward a suicidal driver and been in a collision I probably would not walk away from.

It got me to thinking about the person in either of those two cars and what they were thinking as they saw the truck barreling toward them. What was the driver thinking when the truck clipped him? I am sure my heart would have skipped a beat or two.

It also got me to thinking about what would happen to my friends and family had I not made it home? The last thing I said to Brenna before I left was something like “Ok, see you in a bit”. No “I love you”. No hugs. No “Thank you for all you do and for being my friend.” I also realized she has never met my family. She would not know who to contact. She is not listed on my will so everything would go to my estranged mother I suppose. Had I told my friends lately how awesome they are and how much they mean to me? free hugs

After I made it home and shared the story with Brenna and gave her a few hugs I recalled the movie Life of Pi in which the main character said, “I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”

I urge you today to get your affairs in order. I also challenge you to remember those around you and why they are in your life and to make sure they always know what they mean to you. Slow down and take a moment to properly express your feelings to your friends and loved ones, including your pets. It only takes a few seconds and kind words and hugs are free. Be sure to use them often.


Purchase Life of Pi here. It is an awesome movie and worth owning your own Blu-Ray digital DVD movie.

life of pi

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